Change of Registration Class

Change of registration class is governed by the bylaws, Part 2 – Registration, s. 2.22 to s. 2.26. 

Applications to change registration class are considered by the Registrar.  If all requirements for the change in class are not met, the application must be referred to the registration committee for consideration.

Any registrant wishing to change registration class or to cancel registration through resignation must provide the Registrar with the appropriate change of registration form and any necessary supporting documents, and pay the applicable fees as prescribed in the bylaws, Part 1 – Governance, Part 2 – Registration and Schedule “C”. 

Changing Between Active Classes of Registration

If a registrant wishes to change between active classes of registration, the CVBC requires submission of the appropriate change in class of registration form, any necessary documentation to satisfy the registration requirements of the new active class, and the applicable fees as described below.  

Please contact  to determine what form and documentation are required for your desired class changes.

Reactivation of Registration to an Active Class

A registrant who wishes to return to an active class of registration after being in the non-practising or retired class of registration for less than 3 years, must provide the CVBC with the following:

*the bylaws [s. 2.25(2)(d)] list attendance at the CVBC’s Bylaw Seminar as a requirement of reactivation.  As of January 2018, the Registration Committee has instituted a policy whereby this requirement is waived in favour of a commitment from the registrant to independently refresh and update their knowledge of the CVBC’s bylaws and standards before they return to practice.  However, the Committee may still enforce the requirement for a registrant to attend the CVBC Bylaw Seminar before their change of status application is approved, if the Committee determines that circumstances warrant it. 

Principles of Application of Fees When a Change of Registration is Made

  1. You pay the fee for your new class for the remainder of the registration year, from the current fiscal quarter forward.
  2. The College refunds any remaining fee from your previous class for the registration year, from the next fiscal quarter forward.
  3. A ‘Change in registration class fee’ of $262.50 ($250 + GST) will be charged for changes in registration class.



  1.  For changes made in the final fiscal quarter of the registration year, the College does not charge a ‘Change in registration class fee’,nor does it issue any refunds.
  2.   A ‘Change in registration class fee’ is not applied to registrants: a. Moving to the Retired category, or b. Non-Practising registrants moving back to an active class of registration within 2 years of firstmoving to non-practising.
  3.  Registrants cancelling their registration with the CVBC are not entitled to a refund of any remaining annual registration fees.

Change of Registrant’s Surname

Surname changes for the purpose of the CVBC register and the online registry are governed by the CVBC bylaws, Part 2 – Registration, s. 2.41 (3), Change of address and contact information: “Upon request and the provision of proof of Canadian federal or provincial government-issued identification, the registrar may change the registrant’s name on the College’s register.”

Suitable proof includes government-issued photographic identification, such as a BC Driver’s License and Service Card or a Canadian Passport that bears the new surname.  Supporting evidence of the change from the previous name to the new name may be required (for example, divorce papers filed in court, a marriage certificate, etc).

In lieu of original documents, registrants may submit notarized copies of the originals.

At the time of successful registration with the CVBC, it is important to be registered under one’s legal surname.  Following registration, the CVBC will provide notification of the registrant’s name to other Canadian veterinary regulatory bodies, BC Pharmanet, veterinary distributors, Veterinary Drugs Directorate of Health Canada, etc.