License Status

The Following CVBC registrants have restrictions, limitations or conditions their license. Each of these terms can be imposed by the Registration Committee, the Investigation Committee, or the Discipline Committee in order to protect the public interest. Please see the individual entries for more information.


Registrant: Anonymous Registrant C
Type: Restriction 
 On June 23, 2017, the Registrant voluntarily withdrew from practice due to health concerns which could be seen to impact the Registrant’s ability to practice and provide safe patient care.
Decision: The Investigation Committee (IC) accepted the Registrant’s voluntary undertaking to refrain from the practice of veterinary medicine, including prescribing ordering, accessing, dispensing, and wasting of specified medications until the IC is satisfied that the Registrant is fit to return to practice.

The name of Registrant C has been withheld in accordance with section 68(3)(b) of the Veterinarians Act.


Registrant: Anonymous Registrant B
Type: Restriction 
 On December 15, 2016, the Investigation Committee (IC) made an order pursuant to s.65(2)(a) of the Veterinarians Act, for the purpose of protecting the public interest.
Order: The IC ordered that the Registrant immediately cease practicing veterinary medicine, including prescribing ordering, accessing, dispensing, and wasting any controlled substances and non-controlled hypnotics, sedatives, or any form of anti-depressants or related pharmaceutical agents. The IC also restricted the Registrant’s access to controlled drugs and all duplicate prescription pads. The Registrant entered into a monitoring agreement with the College.

On May 1, 2017, the s.65 Order was revised by the IC. The IC directed that the Registrant be supervised when dispensing and administering all regulated drugs (narcotics, controlled, targeted and precursor, erythropoietin and psychoactive substances). The Registrant’s access, prescribing and ordering privileges remain restricted until further monitoring requirements are met.

The name of Registrant B has been withheld in accordance with section 68(3)(b) of the Veterinarians Act.


Registrant: Anonymous Registrant A
Type: Restriction 
 On January 9, 2016, the Investigation Committee (IC) made an order pursuant to s.65(2)(a) of the Veterinarians Act, for the purpose of protecting the public interest.
Order: The IC restricted the Registrant from performing any procedure that requires the administration of a controlled drug and restricted the Registrant’s access to all controlled drugs and duplicate prescription pads.

On February 13, 2016 the IC accepted the Registrant’s voluntary withdrawal practising veterinary medicine and from entering the practice facility.

The name of Registrant A has been withheld in accordance with section 68(3)(b) of the Veterinarians Act.


Registrant: Dr. Moira Drosdovech
Type: Restriction 
File Number(s):
Decisions: CVBC Investigation Committee (November 30, 2010)
Order: The Registrant may not use, prescribe, recommend or administer any drug or therapeutic substance that has not been approved for distribution in Canada by Health Canada [such as a drug (DIN), pesticide (PC No.) or natural health product (NHP)]