Radiation Safety

Any equipment that produces ionizing radiation must be assessed prior to use, after being moved and on a routine basis, by a radiation surveyor and as per Standard 61, a certificate of safety must be provided for the equipment. Dosimeters and personal protective equipment must also be available at the facility.  

Section 8: Diagnostic Imaging Area of the Schedule D Accreditation Standards lists the standards that must be met.  Additional information related to the standards: 

For more information regarding radiation safety, you can review the Health and Safety Codes from Health Canada 


Shielding Assessments may have been completed by your surveyor. If it has not been completed, then you can complete the shielding assessment yourself. The following below are guidelines on how to complete the shielding assessments dependent on your set-up. 


The following templates are samples only. The samples provided are a general guide. A facility can generate their own forms and logs as long as it meets the accreditation standards (See Schedule D).