Practice or Facility Closure

To ensure that the closure procedure is followed, please review the Closure Rules and Protocols and the Closed Practice Record Retention Guidelines.   

Appropriate public notification via social media, website and print can be used to notify of the closure.  Of paramount importance is ensuring clients can obtain access to their animal’s medical records in a timely manner after the facility is not in operation. 

General steps of the process: 

  1. The office is notified by the designated registrant of the practice or facility regarding the upcoming closure. 
  2. The items from the closure rules that the CVBC requests proof of completion are the medical record location form, final controlled drug audit, if applicable, and return of, or proof the accreditation certificate has been destroyed or defaced.  
  3. The information on the medical record location form will be posted on the notification portion of the website and in the Registry, along with the effective closure date. 
  4. Once the final controlled drug audit is received, it will be reviewed. The final audit should show that the controlled drugs have been destroyed or disposed of safely, and that there are no unaccounted losses. If there are, they should be reported to Health Canada. 
  5. The CVBC may require proof of additional Closure rules being followed if there is a concern for public safety.  


Please consider: 

  • Any of your current patients with significant ongoing health concerns and offer a copy of their records to the client or offer a transfer in advance. 
  • If you have a tattoo code book or microchip log, please make that available as well. Many of these patients will outlive the seven-year medical record requirement and providing this information to the SPCA Pet Registry will keep it available longer. 
  • If the medical records location changes, please inform the CVBC office as soon as possible, and we will update our website notification page. 
  • A facility or practice closure ends use of the approved name and accreditation.  Reopening of a practice or facility is not contemplated in the Bylaws, and reopening will be treated as a new accreditation request.  
  • A short-term closure of a practice does not mean the accreditation is ended, as long as the standards and bylaws are met.  Clear public notice and availability of records is key, and the CVBC can post an update on their website if appropriate. Please contact the CVBC office if you are not certain what your best options are. 


The permanent practice or facility closure will be conveyed to the Practice Facility Accreditation Committee (PFAC).