Part 3 of the Bylaws addresses naming a practice, either a facility or a consulting practice. Naming plays a key role in conveying to the public the scope of practice of the business and in advertising practices. Given the potential risks of misleading or confusing names, review and approval of a chosen business name is part of the CVBC mandate of public protection.
The use of some words and terms tied to the practice of veterinary medicine are protected when registering a name at BC Registry. Use of terms like veterinary, animal hospital and pet clinic require permission for use from the CVBC.
Helpful Tips:
- When applying with protected words to BC Registry, you may receive a warning that the name requires CVBC approval. Please complete the initial request with BC Registry (despite the warning) to confirm the name is available. The CVBC can then consider the name, and once approved, you are responsible to return to BC Registry, provide the letter of approval and finalize the registration.
- Providing three name variations is suggested to expedite the process in the case your first choice is not accepted.
- Specific requirements regarding the use of ‘Specialty’/’Specialist’, ‘After hours’, ‘Hospital’, ‘Emergency’, ‘Mobile’, ‘Ambulatory’, ‘Housecall’, or ‘Consulting’ in a facility or practice name are included in the bylaws, Part 3 – Accreditation and Naming, s. 3.26, ‘Restrictions’.
A. New Facility and Consulting Practice Name OR Change in a Facility Name
- Review Part 3 of the Bylaws and the Practice Facility Naming Guidelines
- Complete Application for Approval of a Practice/Practice Facility Name
- Email completed form to
- The Fee for a market name, or market name change, is $ 300.00 (+ GST).
- Proof of BC Registries Services “Results of Name Request” must be submitted with application.
- The CVBC approval letter can then be submitted to BC registry to finalize their registration of the name.
- A one-year expiry is attached to a name approval for a new practice name. If the facility has not applied for accreditation by one year post approval, an extension can be requested. Otherwise, the name will be considered lapsed.
B. Non-Practice Facility Name
- This is the process for corporate name requests and other non-profit or business entities that may have a reason to use the protected terms.
- This application can be made by a registrant or a non-registrant.
- Approval of these names does not allow the name to be used to offer veterinary services.
- Complete Application for Approval of a Name Not for use as a Practice/Practice Facility Name
- Email completed form to
- The Application Fee for a non-facility market name, or market name change, is $ 200.00 (+ GST).
- Proof of BC Registries Services “Results of Name Request” must be submitted with application.
- The CVBC approval letter can then be submitted to BC Registry to finalize their registration of the name.
- If this name is to be used for a facility in the future, a new application under Part A must be made and no services may be offered using this name is approved for a practice facility and the facility is accredited.
Note: Incorporation does not protect the registrant or the practice/parent company against any liabilities or responsibilities laid out by Veterinarians Act, Bylaws or Regulations.
C. Locum Name
- Bylaw 3.24 allows a registrant to use their name and designation without applying for approval.
- However, if registering at BC registry, consent to use a protected term may be required.
- The registrant may submit an Application for Locum Name Approval, and a letter of approval will be provided at no charge to the registrant.
- The name must be a form of the name they are registered with at the CVBC, and can designate them as a veterinary locum, DVM, veterinarian or other similar designation.
- Locum names that use descriptors and words outside of their official name and designation must apply as a non-practice name as per Part B.
- BC Registry confirmation can be provided prior to request for a letter, but it is not required for the letter to be issued.
- Approval of a locum name is for registrants who offer services under contract to other registrants at their accredited facilities. This approval does not allow the registrant to offer veterinary services independent of an accredited facility.
D. Transfer of Name with Change in Ownership of a Facility
- Please note that permission to use the facility name was granted to the previous owner/registrant.
- When a facility transfers owners, permission to use the name must transfer from one registrant to another as per Bylaw 3.24(1). BC Registry will also require transfer of the name.
- Once the sale is finalized, the previous owner should provide the Confirmation of Ownership Change Form to confirm ownership transfer and release use of the name.
- The new owner/registrant should review Part 3 of the Bylaws on naming, and ensure the name is still appropriate for the facility’s scope of practice.
- If the name remains the same, the new owner/registrant should submit the Request for Name Transfer form.
- If the name will change in any way, please submit the Name Approval Form instead of the Request for Name Transfer form. The name must remain compliant with the Bylaws. (see section A)
- The application fee for Approval of a Name-transfer or Name Change is $300 + GST.
- Once review and approval of the name transfer is completed, a letter will be provided that can be submitted to BC Registry to complete the transfer, if necessary