Consulting Practice

A Consulting Practice is recognized in Part 3 – Accreditation and Naming, “Definitions”, as a veterinary practice in which a registrant provides veterinary services to other registrants or practice facilities, including online, and does not have its own premise, structure, vehicle or facility 


The PFAC has interpreted consulting practice as:  

  • A practice with an extremely narrow scope of practice of Consulting Services only. 
  • There are no supplies, equipment or space that directly interact with patients or the client that has not been accredited through another practice or facility.  
  • Standards related to medical records and the library would be the only accreditation standards applicable.  
  • Consulting services can only be offered to another registrant.   
  • There may be a limited scope Veterinarian Client Patient Relationship (VCPR) for the registrant offering consulting services; this would be dependent on specific advice being provided about a patient and is based on the other registrant acting as the agent of the client. 


Consulting practices do not differ substantially from “limited scope” practice facilities in that they specifically choose to dramatically limit their practices to a very narrow description.  However, a limited scope facility has its own equipment, supplies and/or space that interacts directly with patients and or clients, requiring inspection and accreditation as a practice facility. 

Note: Consulting services
not telemedicine; telemedicine is outlined in the Guidelines on Telemedicine
. Consulting Services provide knowledge, assessment and advice to other registrants, whereas telemedicine is veterinary assessment and knowledge provided directly to the public and is required to be done in association with a practice facility.

Click here for a printable PDF for the consulting practice application process. 

Please contact the CVBC at to discuss the requirements for your consulting practice.