The goal of this process is to ensure a practice or facility remains compliant with the standards, as the scope of practice may expand over time. Even though unintentional, “creep” away from standards may occur with new staff or simple oversights that occur in a busy practice. Practice facilities should be well prepared at any time for physical inspection. The self-inspection process can be viewed as a tool for the DR to determine the “health” of their practice facility from year to year. The Self-Assessment form must be available during inspection.
Important Considerations:
- Although the Practice Facility Annual Declaration submission does update the CVBC about a change in scope of practice, the Designated Registrant should still notify the CVBC at the time significant or substantial changes to the practice occur, as per 3.6(9) of the bylaws.
- All practices or facilities, including consulting practices, are required under Bylaw 3.7 to submit the Annual Declaration and complete the Self-Assessment.
- The Self-Assessment Form should be maintained in the practice or facility, and it does not need to be submitted to the CVBC unless requested.
- The Annual Declaration Form must be completed and submitted to the CVBC office every year. The Annual Declaration is available above but ideally is submitted online in the Registrant Portal of the Practice’s Designated Registrant. (Link to our PDF on how to Complete it.)
- The PFAC recommends the DR perform their Self-Assessment at the end of the year as a reflection for the past year. The Practice Facility Annual Declaration form is to be submitted to the CVBC no later than January 31st of the following year.
- The Facility Annual Declaration and Self-Assessment form are also used by a new practice or facility to outline their intended scope of practice and then determine what relevant standards must be met. This will help them set up their new practice or facility appropriately prior to inspection.
- Once a practice or facility has received permission to operate, the designated registrant (DR) must annually perform the Self-Assessment to ensure the practice or facility meets the relevant accreditation standards.
- A Self-Assessment must be performed, and the Annual Declaration Form must be submitted even in years when a physical practice inspection occurs as they are reflective of the preceding years scope of practice.
As per Bylaw 3.8(1), the DR of a practice facility that does not complete a self-assessment form or does not submit an Annual Declaration Form by January 31st may be subject to a late filing fee of $200. Bylaw 3.8 states that failure to submit and/or pay the late fee by February 28 may result in PFAC directing an inspection and initiating a complaint against the DR under section 50 of the Act.
These same actions may be taken if the DR does not supply the forms when requested by the CVBC office or an inspector.