Practice Facilities - Homepage

All private practice registrants offering veterinary services to the public must do so from an accredited practice or facility.   

To differentiate between the three types of practices defined in Part 3 of the Bylaws, see the CVBC Practice Structure. 


- Practice or Facility Name
- Non-Facility Name
- Locum Name
- Name Transfer (with ownership change)


- Scope of Practice Change
- Renovation and/or Expansion
- Relocation


- Practice or Facility Closure
- Consulting Practice Accreditation
- Philanthropic Practice Accreditation
- Interruption in Services
- Multiple Business Entities for One Accreditation


- Medical Records Retention
- Controlled Drugs
- Hazardous Drugs and Cytotoxic Drugs
- Radiation Safety
- Biosecurity
- Pesticide Regulation
- Tattoo Program

The processes associated with initial accreditation and maintenance of accreditation are the responsibility of the Facilities Department of the College of Veterinarians of BC.  The Practice Facility Accreditation Committee (PFAC) is a standing committee appointed by the CVBC Council as per the Bylaws and as allowed under the Veterinarians Act.  They are responsible for making practice or facility accreditation decisions.   

Practice facility inspectors are tasked with inspecting new and previously accredited practices to determine if the accreditation standards and relevant Professional Practice Standards are met. 

The CVBC office staff act as a bridge between the inspectors and the PFAC, working to effect the directions of the committee and convey the information gathered by the inspectors to the PFAC.  

These three groups work within the framework laid out in the Bylaws and Standards to ensure practices meet the minimum standards established for a practice or facility in BC.  The overall goal is to ensure registrants have a practice or facility that is properly equipped to offer services, and that is safe for staff, patients, and the public.   

Key to communication with the CVBC is the appointment of a designated registrant (DR) for each practice or facility.  They ensure the practice or facility meets the accreditation standards for the declared scope of practice and inform the CVBC if there is a change in the practice or facility. 

The subsections listed will provide more in-depth information and outline the various processes associated with the accreditation and inspection process.

If, after reviewing the information provided, you still have questions, please reach out to a member of the Facilities Accreditation Department at