Latest News

Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries Alerts

Bluetongue Virus 

The Chief Veterinarian of the BC Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries has released an alert regarding Bluetongue virus amongst bighorn sheep and white-tailed deer in the south Okanagan.  Please view the entire alert linked here.  

Equine Herpes Myeloencephalopathy

The Chief Veterinarian of the BC Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries has released an alert regarding suspect equine herpesvirus encephalomyelopathy in a horse in the western lower mainland.  Please see the alert linked here

Strengthening Governance of the Antimicrobial Resistance Response Across One Health in Canada

The AMR Network project has released its final report.  This project was funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada to develop options for governance of a One Health pan-Canadian network that will better integrate the diverse stakeholders with responsibilities in addressing antimicrobial resistance in Canada to drive a national effort to mitigate the threat of AMR for all Canadians.  The establishment of a new governance model for AMR in Canada will be a key piece to the puzzle required to effectively deliver on the Pan Canadian Action Plan once it is released.   The final report of the project, Strengthening Governance of the Antimicrobial Resistance Response Across One Health in Canada can be found at the following links.

Anticipated Animal Euthanasia Drug Shortage

The Veterinary Drug Directorate has released a communication regarding the anticipated shortage of euthanasia products for use by veterinarians.  Please click here to view.

Canine Importation Letter from CFIA to Veterinarians

The CVMA has shared a letter from the CFIA regarding canine importation.  The CVBC would like to pass this information along to all registrants.  Please click this link to view. 

Introduction of New Registrar, Dr. Megan Bergman

The CVBC is excited to have Dr. Megan Bergman step into the role of Registrar & CEO effective July 19, 2021. See the CVBC’s Eblast from April 9, 2021 for an introduction to Dr. Bergman, and stay tuned for an upcoming video podcast where we will hear about Dr. Bergman’s history, heroes and hopes. 

Unauthorized Practice

The attached poster has been developed by the College of Veterinarians of BC and the Society of BC Veterinarians as a joint public education effort to explain the value and importance of veterinary dental care and the risks of seeking the care of non-veterinarians who are engaging in the unauthorized practice of veterinary medicine. 11×17″ posters will be distributed to all SBCV members and to all practice facilities in the mailout for the SBCV’s upcoming Westcoast Veterinarian journal. 

Introduction of Interim Registrar

We are pleased to announce that as of April 20th Dr. Jane Pritchard has stepped into the Registrar duties as an Interim Registrar of the CVBC.  Dr. Pritchard has very recently retired as the Chief Veterinary Officer of the Province and Director of the Animal Health Branch.  Dr. Pritchard comes with a long and distinguished history of public service spent with the Province.  Her knowledge and experience with the Ministry of Agriculture, regulation and governance, and the veterinary profession in general will prove invaluable to help the College through this next transition phase.

Notice to Registrants

As communicated by e-blast to registrants on March 4, 2020, Ms. Luisa Hlus has left the College of Veterinarians of British Columbia.  Dr. Stacey Thomas (Deputy Registrar) has been appointed by Council to the role of Acting Registrar while Council conducts a formal search for a new Registrar.