EDI Advisory Working Group

The College of Veterinarians of BC (CVBC) will be partnering with The Commons Consulting to launch a project focused on building more equitable and inclusive organizational practices and processes.  The CVBC Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Project entails designing an engagement process to uncover strengths and areas of opportunities that will help foster a culture where all individuals feel supported and valued.  Project activities include an EDI organizational assessment survey, an environmental scan, and consultation discussions with key stakeholders.

A Project Advisory Group comprising a small number of staff, council members and registrants has been formed to provide guidance and feedback on the project’s design and implementation.  

Members of the EDI Advisory Working Group

  • Dr. Emilia Gordon
  • Dr. Avtar Jandi
  • Dr. Doris Leung
  • Mr. Gian Sihota
  • Dr. Satveer Dadrwal