2025 Council Election Results
Dr. Jane Pritchard has been re-elected to the Council of the College of Veterinarians of British Columbia for another 3-year term effective March 14, 2025.
Dr. Jane Pritchard has been re-elected to the Council of the College of Veterinarians of British Columbia for another 3-year term effective March 14, 2025.
The Annual General Meeting of the College of Veterinarians of British Columbia will be held on November 24 at 11 am to 1 pm via Zoom. Agenda: Treasurer’s report Presentation of the College’s financial statements Registrar’s report President’s report Instructions on receiving the Zoom link will be provided prior to the meeting.
The following two registrants have been elected to Council for a 3-year term, effective March 22, 2024: Dr. Wing Chi (Gigi) Lin Dr. Kirsten Riphagen
Dr. Tammi Whelan tendered her resignation as a member of the CVBC Council and her resignation was accepted by the Council, effective July 15, 2022. We would like to thank Dr. Whelan for her contribution on Council and wish her all the best in her future endeavours.
News Release Release Date: July 13, 2022 College of Veterinarians of BC Embarks on Major Revision of Public Complaints Process A major revision of the College of Veterinarians of BC public complaints process is about to get underway as a result of a comprehensive review by Harry Cayton, an international expert on
At its June 3, 2022 meeting, Council accepted the resignation of Mr. Chris Finding as Vice President. He will remain as an active Public Member. In his place, Council has appointed Dr. Michele Martin. The current Council Executive is: Dr. Jane Pritchard, President Dr. Michele Martin, Vice President Mr. Gian Sihota, Treasurer
The CFIA’s Planning Team in the Emergency Response for Avian Influenza is soliciting interested parties to help with the ongoing monitoring of sick birds for the remainder of 2022. Please read the Notice for full details.
On March 10, 2022, Health Canada posted this update to its “Recall and Safety Alerts” webpage regarding forecasted availability of euthanasia drugs in Canada following the previously-announced anticipated shortage of pentobarbital sodium. For updates on availability for restocking, please contact wholesalers or manufacturers directly.
The Province of British Columbia is investing nearly $10.7 million to double its WCVM provincial seat quota from 20 to 40 in the college’s Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) program for the 2022-23 academic year. The press release from the government of BC can be found here. The College of Veterinarians of British
As a reminder, Tramadol becomes a Schedule 1 drug on March 31, 2022. In practice, this will mean that Tramadol in inventory will need to be managed in compliance with the CVBC’s Controlled Drug Management and Disposal standards, and that any prescriptions to pharmacies will need to be made using your Duplicate Prescription Pads.
The following three registrants have been elected to Council for a 3-year term, effective March 11, 2022: Dr. Jane Pritchard Dr. Josh Waddington Dr. Tammi Whelan
The Chief Veterinarian and the Animal Health Centre in Abbotsford would like to notify you that they will be discontinuing the import and distribution service for Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease (RHD) virus vaccine and will NO longer be placing orders to import the vaccine into Canada. Please note that this vaccine was brought
Please check your email for voting information which was distributed on December 6, 2021. If you did not receive an email generated from the domain vote@simplyvoting.com, please contact feedback@cvbc.ca. When you log in to vote, please click on the “view details” link next to each candidate’s name in order to review the biographical information provided
There are 3 veterinary seats up for election on the CVBC Council. On November 22, 2021 the CVBC Nominations Committee declared the following slate of candidates as eligible to serve on Council for the upcoming election cycle. Dr. James Kirkham Dr. Justin McLash Dr. Jane Pritchard Dr. Dilbag Rana Dr. Tammi Whelan
The College of Veterinarians of British Columbia takes allegations of animal abuse very seriously. Our mandate is to regulate the practice of veterinary medicine in B.C. to ensure that the public and animals are served by a competent and ethical standard of practice. The CVBC regulates the conduct and competency of veterinarians according to the